
Text from Marios

Activity 1: Transformative learning through art–Collaboration – 60m - LO 1, 3

Teacher’s Actions
The teacher applies the “transformative learning through art” method. S/he uses the transparencies “Transformative learning through art – Collaboration”. The teacher attempts to stimulate all students, to express their feelings and discuss on the critical questions.

Teacher’s preparatory actions The transparencies “Transformative learning through art – Collaboration” which are
provided as Support Material
Students’ Actions
The students participate by
● sending electronically or by expressing orallytheir beliefs on the issues raised
by the teacher,
● participating actively in all phases of the method,
● trying to reflect on the process and the artworks used
Support Material
Transformative learning through art - Collaboration.pptx
Design of Activity1_Transformative_learning_through_art.docx

Session 7c ICT1-W1.pdf
Desing of Activity 1 - Transformative Learning Through Art
Transformative learning through art - Collaboration.pptx

Activity 2

Session 7c ICT1 - W2.pdf
Transformative learning through art - Method.pptx

Activity 3

Session 7c ICT1 - W3.pdf

Activity 4

Session 7c ICT1 - W4.pdf