- Stability and Volatility of STEM Career Interest in High School: A Gender Study by Sadler et al. 2012 (Science Education)
- Something about STEM drives women out by B. Steele 2013 (Phys.org)
- Diversity in STEM: What It Is and Why It Matters by K. Gibbs, Jr. 2014 (Scientific American)
- Diversity in Science: Why It Is Essential for Excellence by F. Guterl 2014 (Scientific American)
- How Diversity Makes Us Smarter by K. W. Phillips 2014 (Scientific American)
- Women and Minorities in the S&E Workforce. In Science and Engineering Indicators 2014 (National Science Foundation)
- How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science by Reuben et al. 2014 (PNAS)
- Racial Bias Continues to Haunt NIH Grants by E. C. Hayden 2015 (Nature)
- Equal but Inequitable: Who Benefits from Gender-Neutral Tenure Clock Stopping Policies? by Antecol et al. 2016 (Institute of Labor economics)
- Why Diversity Programs Fail by F. Dobbin & A. Kalev 2016 (Harvard Business Review)
- Explaining the Gender Wage Gap in STEM: Does Field Sex Composition Matter? by Michelmore and Sassler 2016 (Project Muse)
- Differences in STEM doctoral publication by ethnicity, gender and academic field at a large public research university by Mendoza-Denton et al. 2017 (PLoS One)
- In science and medicine, diversity shouldn’t be optional by A. Saadi 2017 (STAT)
- The Problem with Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity by G. Cochran 2018 (Scholarly Kitchen)
- Science benefits from diversity — Nature Editorial 2018 (Nature)
- What does it take to make an institution more diverse? — Nature Career Feature 2018 (Nature)
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- Carson Byrd, Sandra L. Dika & Letticia T. Ramlal (2013) Who's in STEM? An Exploration of Race, Ethnicity, and Citizenship Reporting in a Federal Education Dataset, Equity & Excellence in Education, 46:4, 484-501, DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2013.838485
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- Huderson, A. (2020) Prioritizing STEM diversity, equity, and inclusion requires rethinking graduate education. Stanford University Press.
- Bybee, R. W. (2013) The case for STEM education: Challenges and opportunities. National Science Teachers Association. Arlington, Virginia: NSTA press.
- Capraro, R. M. & Slough, S. W. (2008) Why PBL? Why STEM? Why now? In: R. M. Capraro and S. W. Slough (Eds) Project based learning. Rotterdam: Sense (pp. 1-6)