Session 7C, ENGLISH LANGUAGE - 3 - Developing intercultural competence with Secondary School Learners of English
Course Description
- Understanding intercultural communicative competence in the secondary school context.
- Developing cross linguistic mediation skills, intercultural awareness, democratic values, and civic engagement.
- Designing lessons and activities premised on problem solving, collaboration and connected learning.
The duration of the session is 9 hours (3 reading + 3 learning + 3 working/practicing)
The Objectives of this session are:
- Familiarise students with current debates in pupils’ participation in education (including classroom participation, participation in learning, and participation in school governance).
- Support students in developing a critical understanding of the concept of pupils’ voice, particularly examined in the context of formal education.
- Engage students in critical explorations of the role of teachers in democratic pedagogies, including the whole school approach.
On the completion of the session, students will be able to:
- Explain how teenage language learners learn second/foreign languages and what kind of learning activities are appropriate for this age group.
- Develop intercultural competence with teenage learners.
- Define cross cultural mediation skills and design learning activities that promote these skills.
- Design project-based lessons for the development of intercultural communicative competence and democratic values.
- Exploit connected learning and learning communities to encourage intercultural communication and civic engagement.
- Knowledge and critical understanding
- 117: Can explain the meaning of basic political concepts, including democracy, freedom, citizenship, rights and responsibilities (basic)
- 119: Can describe basic cultural practices (e.g. eating habits, greeting practices, ways of addressing people, politeness) in one other culture (basic)
- 120: Can reflect critically on how her/his own world view is just one of many world views (basic)
- 122: Can reflect critically on the risks associated with environmental issues (basic)
- 124: Can reflect critically on the relationship between human rights, democracy, peace and security in a globalised world (intermediate)
- Values
- Valuing cultural diversity
- 203: Argues that one should promote communication and dialogue between people from different cultural backgrounds (basic/intermediate)
- 205: Argues that one should try to learn from one another in order to deepen understanding of both one’s own and other people’s backgrounds (intermediate/advanced)
- 206: Argues that intercultural dialogue should be used to help us recognize our different identities and cultural affiliations (advanced)
- 207: Argues that intercultural dialogue should be used to develop respect and a culture of “living together” (advanced)
- Valuing cultural diversity
- Attitudes
- Open to Cultural Otherness
- 401: Shows interest in learning about people’s beliefs, values, traditions and world views (basic)
- 403: Uses opportunities to meet new people (basic/intermediate)
- 404: Expresses curiosity about other beliefs and interpretations and other cultural orientations and affiliations (intermediate)
- 405: Expresses an appreciation of the opportunity to have experiences of other cultures (intermediate)
- 407: Enjoys having discussions with people whose ideas and values are different from his/her own (intermediate/advanced)
- Respect
- 501: Gives space to others to express themselves (basic)
- 502: Expresses respect for other people as equal human beings (basic)
- 504: Treats all people with respect regardless of their cultural background (intermediate)
- Civic mindedness
- 601: Expresses a willingness to co-operate and work with others (basic)
- 602: Collaborates with other people for common interest causes (basic)
- 604: Expresses a willingness to participate in collective decision making (basic/intermediate)
- 607: Expresses an interest in public affairs and issues (intermediate)
- 611: Is actively involved in community issues (intermediate/advanced)
- Tolerance of ambiguity
- 901: Engages well with other people who have a variety of different points of view (basic)
- Open to Cultural Otherness
- Skills
- Autonomous Learning Skills
- 1001: Shows ability to identify resources for learning (e.g. people, books, internet) (basic)
- 1003: Accomplishes learning tasks independently (basic)
- 1006: Can identify relevant sources of information to accomplish a learning task (basic/intermediate)
- 1007: Can gather information effectively using a variety of techniques and sources (basic/intermediate)
- 1008: Uses appropriate tools and information technologies effectively to discover new information (basic/intermediate)
- Autonomous Learning Skills
A series of resources that the student teacher must study in this session and a series of additional resources for further study.
A full paper and additional e-lessons on the topics of the session and additional interactive presentation of the materials, for the student teachers to study all the materials in a row.
A series of authentic, up to date and relevant activities with their accompanying materials, which deliver the intended learning outcomes of the session and are carried out face to face or E-learning with groups of student teachers.
Several types of questions to evaluate how much the student teachers have learned throughout the session (reading material, learning material and workshop).