Session 7C, ICT - 2- Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education: Cross-curricular implementation_Working on projects



Basic Topics
  1. Project-based learning 
  2. The project on Informatics
  3. ICT tools to organise and work on a project

The duration of the session is 9 hours (3 reading + 3 learning + 3 working/practicing)


The Objectives of this session are:

  • To enable students to recognise opportunities for implementation of EDC/HRE pedagogies in Informatics. 
  • To offer students an overview and support them in developing a critical understanding of potential challenges in the implementation of EDC/HRE in Informatics.
Learning outcomes

After completion of the session students will:

  1. To recognize the teacher’s role in the framework of a project
  2. To design and organize the phases of a project 
  3. To select and use appropriate ICT tools to facilitate and support the project activities
Outcomes and CDC
  • Values
    • Valuing cultural diversity
      • 202: Promotes the view that one should always strive for mutual understanding and meaningful dialogue between people and groups who are perceived to be “different” from one another (basic)
  • Attitudes
    • Civic-mindedness
      • 602: Collaborates with other people for common interest causes (basic)
    • Responsibility
      • 704: Submits required work on time (basic)
    • Self-efficacy
      • 803: Expresses the belief that he/she can carry out activities that he/she has planned (basic)
  • Skills
    • Co-operation skills
      • 1601: Builds positive relationships with other people in a group (basic) 
    • Analytical and critical thinking skills
      • 1104: Can analyse a situation before making a choice (basic) 
    • Skills of listening and observing
      • 1201: Listens carefully to differing opinions (basic)


A series of resources that the student teacher must study in this session and a series of additional resources for further study.

A full paper and additional e-lessons on the topics of the session and additional interactive presentation of the materials, for the student teachers to study all the materials in a row.

A series of authentic, up to date and relevant activities with their accompanying materials, which deliver the intended learning outcomes of the session and are carried out face to face or E-learning with groups of student teachers.

Several types of questions to evaluate how much the student teachers have learned throughout the session (reading material, learning material and workshop).



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