6.2 Teaching practice methods and pedagogical approaches




The Duration of the session is 9 hours (3 reading + 3 learning + 3 working/practicing)


The Objectives of this session are:

  • Develop students’ confidence in leading initiatives and developing educational programmes for EDC/HRE/IE.
  • Familiarise students with key tools on EDC/HRE including the Council of Europe’s Framework for development of democratic culture.
Basic Topics

The contents of the learning materials are:

  • Modelling democratic attitudes and behaviours in classroom and school.
  • Democratic processes in the classroom.
  • Co-operative learning and direct instruction.
  • Dialogical learning and teaching practice.
  • Project-based learning.

At the end, don't forget to evaluate your learning results (assessment) with the online quiz (on the completion of the reading and learning units) and submit a written lesson plan (on the completion of the workshops).

Learning outcomes

On the completion of the session,  students will be able to:

  • Explain different specific pedagogical principles, methods and techniques for teaching (Education for Democracy)/HRE (Human Rights Education)/IE (Intercultural Education and developing democratic culture.
  • Manage different pedagogical choices for teaching (Education for Democracy/HRE (Human Rights Education)/IE (intercultural Educational and developing democratic culture).
  • Integrate in their educational and teaching practice methods and pedagogical approaches that promote democratic citizenship.

For that reason read from the reading list the compulsory readings and then follow the presentation of the session watching the two E-lessons and reading the learning material

Outcomes and CDC
  • Knowledge and critical understanding
    • Knowledge and critical understanding of language and communication1904: Can explain how different forms of language are used in different situations and contexts (basic)
  • Values
    • Valuing cultural diversity 202: Promotes the view that one should always strive for mutual understanding and meaningful dialogue between people and groups who are perceived to be “different” from one another (intermediate)
    • Valuing democracy, justice, fairness, equality and the rule of law 301: Argues that schools should teach students about democracy and how to act as a democratic citizen (basic)
  • Attitudes
    • Respect 501: Gives space to others to express themselves (basic)
    • Civic- mindedness 606: Discusses what can be done to help make the community a better place (basic)
    • Responsibility 701: Shows that he/she accepts responsibility for his/her actions (basic)
    • Self-efficacy:
      • 803: Shows confidence that he/she can solve most problems if he/she invests the necessary effort (basic / intermediate)
      • 806: Expresses a belief that he/she can undertake the actions required to achieve a goal (basic / intermediate)
      • 811: Shows confidence about tackling new challenges (intermediate)
      • 813: Expresses a belief in his/her own ability to select appropriate methods for accomplishing tasks (intermediate)
    • Analytical and critical thinking skills
      • 1113: Can use more than one source of information before making a decision (basic / intermediate)
      • 1119: Can assess the risks associated with different options (intermediate)
      • 1123: Can make judgments about whether or not materials under analysis are appropriate or useful (intermediate)
    • Flexibility and adaptability
      • 1403: Adjusts way of working when this is necessary (basic)
      • 1404: Adjusts interaction style to interact more effectively with other people, when this is required (basic)
  • Skills
    • Linguistic, communicative and plurilingual skills
      • 1501: Asks questions as a way to be involved in conversations (basic / intermediate)
    • Co-operation skills
      • 1613: Can help others with their work where appropriate (basic / intermediate)
      • 1621: When working as a member of a group, encourages group members to express their views and opinions (intermediate / advanced)
      • 1624: Helps to motivate others when working in a group, encouraging them to participate (intermediate / advanced)
      • 1631: Seeks opportunities to work co-operatively with other People. (advanced)




Several types of questions to evaluate how much the student teachers have learned throughout the session (reading material, learning material and workshop).
